
Child's Self-Esteem Affected by School Performance, Body Weight

by Tanya Thomas on Jan 24 2009 7:09 PM

A new study has found that school performance and body weight have a significant impact on kids' self esteem.

A child's esteem, a new study's results say, is often heavily influenced by his/her school performance and body weight.

Paul Veugelers, researcher from University of Alberta surveyed nearly 5,000 Grade 5 students in Nova Scotia, asked questions about self-esteem, measured height and weight and linked the results with the standardized provincial exam results.

He found that like adults, body weight affects a child's self-esteem, but contrary to many adults, low self-esteem doesn't lead to weight gain.

Moreover, school performance affects self-esteem, but it didn't go the other way; if students had low self-esteem they still managed to perform well in class.

The study also shows that healthy eating and physical activity has a positive effect on school performance.

