China vows to deepen its online porn onslaught, which will now spread to cell phone websites, chat rooms and instant messenger groups.
China has pledged to intensify its online porn onslaught, which will now spread to cell phone websites, chat rooms and instant messenger groups.
According to information from the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, till February 5, 1,635 illegal websites and 217 blogs displaying 'lewd' content faced a shutdown, while more than four million porn-related posts or messages were trashed, reports the China Daily.Liu Yunshan, China's top official in charge of media and publicity, said: "Internet pornography is not only preventing the healthy development of the country's Internet services, but also eroding people's mind, destroying the moral standard of the society and endangering young people's healthy growth."
Liu revealed that the ban would further have its effect on content uploaded on cell phone websites, chat rooms, instant messenger groups, video download services and other VIP member sections.
He added the government was bent on crushing " the vitality of pornography websites to the utmost and chop off the profit chains that porn sites feed on."
Search engine giants facing the whip for the illegal public distribution of pornography in China include Google, Baidu and MSN China.