In a bizarre incident, a Chinese man addicted to porn had to undergo an all-night operation after a live eel got stuck in his backside.
In a bizarre incident, a Chinese man addicted to porn had to undergo an all-night operation after a live eel got stuck in his backside. The 39-year old man, whose identity was not released, was trying to emulate a scene from a kinky blue film and inserted a live eel into his backside which started to move through his body before getting stuck. He rushed himself to the casualty ward at a hospital in Guangdong province and asked the doctors to help him.
The doctors then performed a long surgery after which they removed the 20-inch long Asian swamp eel with one of the medical team saying that the eel was still alive and trying to find a way out when they reached it, though it died soon afterwards.
“The eel was simply trying to find its way out. It was still alive when we got it out but it died soon afterwards, which was probably a mercy. This was a particularly idiotic stunt and could have caused him a serious injury. Eels have small but very sharp teeth”, the medical team said. Police have confirmed that they will be investigating the incident for possible animal cruelty.