
Chinese Surgeons Perform First Penis Transplant

Chinese surgeons successfully performed the world's first penis transplant, but were forced to remove it after the man and his wife experienced some mental problems. The man had lost his penis in an accident and was unable to urinate or have sex, the doctors said.

Doctors had attached a 10cm penis to the 44-year-old patient from a dead donor. The procedure is described in next month's journal European Urology. 'Because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife, the transplanted penis regretfully had to be cut off,' Dr Hu said.

Andrew George, a transplant expert at Imperial College, London said the procedure was no more complex than other transplant procedures. 'Doing a penis transplant should be no more complex than anything else. But it takes time for nerve sensations to kick in and it's not clear whether the patient would ever be able to have sex with it. The question is whether it's right to be doing a transplant for what may be seen as cosmetic reasons,' he added.

