
Chinese Whistleblower Virologist Claims COVID-19 Virus was Engineered

by Dr. Meenakshy Varier on Sep 14 2020 3:39 PM

Chinese Whistleblower Virologist Claims COVID-19 Virus was Engineered
Chinese whistleblower virologist Li-Meng Yan has claimed yet again that the novel coronavirus was engineered in a Chinese laboratory.
Li-Meng Yan was forced to flee the country in April after raising questions about the novel coronavirus's origin. The claims were earlier denied by both Beijing and the World Health Organisation (WHO). She has since been living in the US.

In an interview with the US-based The National Pulse, she said,"The COVID-19 was lab-modified based on a virus discovered and owned by the Chinese military, the Zhoushan bat coronavirus, ZC45, and ZXC21. My scientific report will be out soon."

Li-Meng Yan had stated the coronavirus was developed in a Chinese military facility that is controlled by the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

In another interview with Spanish daily El Mundo in July, the virologist claimed that she was gathering 'solid evidence' to demonstrate the claim about the origin of the novel coronavirus, which according to her, did not happen at a wet market in Wuhan.

The virologist had said," The (virus) genome sequence is like a fingerprint. Based on that, you can identify things. I will use this evidence to tell people why this (the coronavirus) came from a laboratory in China and why they are the ones who developed it."

The global coronavirus case count has crossed 28.6 million, while the deaths have increased to over 918,000, according to the Johns Hopkins University.


