State department officials in Haryana have confirmed that they will silent observer chips in all ultrasound machines to monitor the ultrasound processes

The health department has already made it mandatory for all women to submit identification proof at the ultrasound centre before undergoing the ultrasound test.
A lady doctor was arrested in Yamunanagar town, 80 km from here, this week following a tip-off that she had aborted the female foetus of a pregnant woman. Her ultrasound centre and clinic was also sealed by the health department.
The health department has also cancelled the registration of three ultrasound centres in Kurukshetra district for violating various provisions of the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (PNDT) Act, the spokesman said.
These three centres were registered three years ago under the legislation but had failed to install ultrasound machines.
Haryana has one of the worst sex ratios among India's states. It has only 877 females per 1,000 males.