Experts say that spring may be the culprit behind high profile couples' sudden rush to the courts to formalize their split.
Experts say that spring may be the culprit behind high profile couples' sudden rush to the courts to formalize their split. They believe spring is the classic break-up season.
"It's when people do their spring cleaning and it is a natural time for a breakup for anyone who has been thinking about it for awhile," the New York Daily News quoted clinical psychologist Belisa Vranich, as saying.
She added: "The idea may have come to you last fall, but you didn't want to ruin the major holidays and leave a spouse alone in the dark, cold winter."
But in spring there are no big family holidays that will be disrupted; people feel lighter and are looking forward to something new, Vranich pointed out.
She said: "You don't have to worry that it will freak out the family as much."
Relationship expert Mary Jo Rapini said: "We see breakups in the spring much more in couples with kids.
Whitney Casey, author of "The Man Plan" and relationship expert for, said: "It's the classic spring fling, summer love.
"If things just aren't working after the classic winter hunker down, you may choose spring to dump someone."