Euthanasia or assisted suicide is increasingly being considered a legal right for patients with certain devastating medical conditions

‘The manual on organ donation after euthanasia provides a framework of the medical and logistical aspects within the medical, legal, and ethical boundaries of Dutch law.’

"Euthanasia itself remains an ethical subject surrounded by controversy, but the members of our working group attempted to be nonjudgmental regarding this issue," said Bollen. "Since organ donation after euthanasia is legally possible in the Netherlands, we were however convinced it was wise to create a practical manual. 

Even though it was first intended as a regional manual, it is now being used by various hospitals in the Netherlands. It does not focus on ethical questions, although these should be carefully identified and subsequently addressed." For example, should a physician, when seeing a patient who wishes to undergo euthanasia, address the possibility of organ donation? And what if a patient wants to donate his or her heart by having it removed while under general anesthesia, essentially performing euthanasia by removing the heart?
"If a patient would ask his treating physician to undergo euthanasia and donate organs, our practical manual contributes to the knowledge of this physician that organ donation after euthanasia is a real option, and that he or she knows what steps to follow," said Bollen.