
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy May Not Be the Best

by Savitha C Muppala on Jul 8 2008 9:52 AM

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which seeks to change the way a person thinks and behaves, occupies an envious position among other forms of therapy, thought to be the most effective form of therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which seeks to change the way a person thinks and behaves, occupies an envious position among other forms of therapy, thought to be the most effective form of therapy. Experts have now suggested that this is a misconception.

This point was discussed in detail by researchers participating in a conference in University of East Anglia (UEA) who felt that, while extensive research was available in support of CBT, other forms of therapy did not have the support of adequate research. Such misconceptions about a certain form of therapy can only mislead the public, experts said.

Professors Mick Cooper and Robert Elliott, from the University of Strathclyde, William B Stiles, from Miami University, and Art Bohart, from Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco, issued a joint statement which said: "The Government, the public and even many health officials have been sold a version of the scientific evidence that is not based in fact, but is instead based on a logical error.

“This is how it works. One, more academic researchers subscribe to a CBT approach than any other. Two, these researchers get more research grants and publishes more studies on the effectiveness of CBT. Three, this greater number of studies is used to imply that CBT is more effective.

"Although CBT advocates rarely make this claim so boldly, their continual emphasis on the amount of evidence is misunderstood by the public, other health care workers, and Government officials, a misunderstanding that they allow to stand without correction. The result is a widespread belief that no-one takes responsibility for. In other words, a myth," they added

The scientists also said that meta-analysis conducted on more than 80 studies showed that psychodynamic therapies tailored to suit individual requirements proved to be as effective as any other form of therapy, even CBT.












