
Colonoscopies can Detect Cancer in the Early Stages

by Savitha C Muppala on Dec 26 2006 3:19 PM

A U.S study has established that colonoscopies are capable of detecting cancers in the early stages, which is being attributed to Medicare's extension of coverage to include colonoscopies.

A U.S study has established that colonoscopies are capable of detecting cancers in the early stages, which is being attributed to Medicare's extension of coverage to include colonoscopies

Researchers at the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program and Yale Medical School said that the timely action to extend the medical coverage to include all categories and not only the high risk category encouraged many people to avail of the detection procedure.

According to the report, when the number of screenings increased, many cancers on the right side of the colon, in the early-stages were detected. The study undertook a comparative analysis of patients in HMOs with those who could avail the Medicare fee-for-service coverage. The study revealed that the results were not the same with the HMO population, and researchers concluded that the difference was due to the Medicare’s action of extending the insurance cover for the procedure.

