
Commercialization of Pregnancy Via Fetus Parties is a Worrisome Trend

by Kathy Jones on Jan 14 2012 11:52 PM

The recent increase in fetus parties is a worrisome tread as it highlights the commercialization of pregnancy, says Professor Cathy Warwick

 Commercialization of Pregnancy Via Fetus Parties is a Worrisome Trend
The recent increase in fetus parties is a worrisome tread as it highlights the commercialization of pregnancy, says Professor Cathy Warwick, chief executive of the Royal College of Midwives.
Prof Warwick said that it also highlights the fact that women now have different expectations about childbirth, "I think the worrying trend towards the commercialization of pregnancy and trend in 'fetus parties' can add to the burden and can increase the expectation for mothers which midwives then have to deal with,” she wrote in the BBC News website's Scrubbing Up column.

She added that the original purpose of the ultrasound was being obscured by the emerging trend of fetus parties to show relatives and friends the scans of the fetus. Highlighting the commericial aspect, Prof Warwick said some companies provide a champagne celebration scan package for £165 and a VIP scan package for £185 for these parties.

Prof Warwick warned that this overt celebrating might prove harmful for the mother if something went wrong during the latter stages of pregnancy, “Is this 'yummy mummy' or WAG parenting taken to its absolute zenith and what does it do to the child being 'branded' in this way?" she asked.

Mothers might need to get counseled if this partying was done on a grand scale and there were some issues with the pregnancy and delivery.

