A new study has debunked the long-held notion that food dropped on the ground will not be contaminated with bacteria if it is picked up within 5 seconds of being dropped.

"When it comes to folklore, the 'five-second rule' should be replaced with 'when in doubt, throw it out'," he said.
According to Parada, all items that come into contact with a surface pick up bacteria (and dirt!). How much bacteria and what kind of microbes depends on the object dropped and the surface it is dropped upon.
"If you rinse off a dropped hot dog you will probably greatly reduce the amount of contamination, but there will still be some amount of unwanted and potentially nonbeneficial bacteria on that hot dog," said Parada, who admits to employing the five-second rule on occasion.
"Maybe the dropped item only picks up 1,000 bacteria, but typically the innoculum, or amount of bacteria that is needed for most people to actually get infected, is 10,000 bacteria - well, then the odds are that no harm will occur. But what if you have a more sensitive system, or you pick up a bacteria with a lower infectious dose? Then, you are rolling the dice with your health or that of your loved one," he said.
And he is strictly against using your own mouth to "clean off" a dropped baby pacifier.
Parada says there are degrees of risk of contamination. "So, a potato chip dropped for a second on a rather clean table will both have little time to be contaminated and is likely to only pick a miniscule amount of microbes - definitely a low risk," he says.
"In the same time period, a rock candy is less likely to pick up contamination than a slice of cheese. As an extreme example, whether it's a rock candy or a slice of cheese, I dion't think anyone would invoke the five-second rule if it fell in the toilet," said the professor at Loyola's Stritch School of Medicine.
"At the end of the day, this is a polite social fiction we employee to allow us to eat lightly contaminated foods," Parada said.
Parada is also against the old rule about building up a healthy immune system through exposure.
"There actually is certain research that supports the importance of being exposed to bacteria at critical times in a child's development," he said.
"But I believe this development applies to exposures of everyday living. I do not advocate deliberately exposuring ourselves to known contaminants. That would probably be a misplaced approach to building up our defenses. If you want to be proactive in building up your defenses, eat right, exercise, and adequate sleep - and remember to get your vaccines," he added.