Children who wear rigid gas permeable ( RGP ) contact lenses can minimize the chances their myopia will worsen over time say researchers according
Children who wear rigid gas permeable ( RGP ) contact lenses can minimize the chances their myopia will worsen over time say researchers according to a recent study .
More than 100 children ages 8 years to 11 for about three years. About half the group wore RGP lenses, and the other half wore soft contact lenses. Kids who wore the RGPs generally needed about two weeks to adapt to the lenses. Myopia progressed as would be expected in the children who wore the soft lenses. Compared to soft lenses, the RGPs slowed progression of the condition by about 30 percent.Though the study didn’t show any long-term advantages for wearing the RGP lenses, researchers say even the temporary slowing of the progression of the condition could hold important health implications because severe myopia can lead to a detached retina and even blindness. RGP lenses are also healthier for the eye because they allow more oxygen to get to the cornea than most soft lenses, and they are also less expensive compared to soft lenses.