Stem cell-rich cord blood donations increased when expectant parents were nudged about the importance of the procedure at both first and third trimesters.

‘Cord blood donations increased when expectant parents were nudged at early and later stages of pregnancies. A nudging technique uses knowledge of human psychology to take a positive decision.’

"We more than doubled the number of cord blood units that were collected. We learned a lot and we did a little bit of good too so that feels nice," said Nicola Lacetera, an applied economist at the University of Toronto Mississauga, who is also cross-appointed to the UofT's Rotman School of Management and one of the study's four authors. Prof. Lacetera is also a Chief Scientist with the Behavioral Economics in Action at Rotman (BEAR) center. He conducted the study with Daniela Grieco of Bocconi University, Mario Macis of Johns Hopkins University and Daniela Di Martino of Opedale Buzzi, Milan. 

It is the first randomized control study to apply behavioral science "nudging" techniques to cord blood donation. A nudge uses knowledge of human psychology to create a low-key, non-coercive intervention that makes it easier for people to take positive actions they support, but may find hard to do.
People may not donate their baby's cord blood even if they'd like to because they procrastinate -- such as putting off the required paperwork to allow the donation -- or are overwhelmed by the myriad of decisions and plans parents have to make closer to baby's arrival, among other reasons. Parents may also store their baby's cord blood in a private bank, but this is banned in Italy, where the study took place.
The study conditions included no information given about cord blood donation, and information provided early in the pregnancy or late. This could be combined with asking expectant parents about their intention to donate, and, in the case of the early-informed condition, a third-trimester reminder about their intention, plus an opportunity to change it.
The combination with the most nudges had the highest donation rate: just over 21 percent of women who received donation information early in their pregnancy, an opportunity to signal their intention, followed by a third-trimester reminder and revision opportunity successfully donated. This compared to donations from 2.7 percent of women who received no information and 11.4 percent of women who received it only in their third trimester.
As positive as these numbers are, the study says donations could have been doubled by the removal of organizational and institutional barriers, such as a lack of staff to perform the cord blood collection and inflexible operating hours at the blood bank.