Corneal opacity (clouded corneal appearance) can be corrected by corneal tattooing, giving patients an aesthetically normal look.

Keratopigmentation (Corneal Tattoo) - Our First Experience
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‘Corneal tattooing can help people with corneal opacity to live a normal life, without looking different from others. #cornealtattooing #normallife #goodlooks’

More than 6.8 million people suffer from vision loss in one eye and roughly one million in both eyes because of corneal diseases. For common people, the opaque cornea is just a medical condition that makes the person blind in one or both eyes while making them look a bit different. 

Corneal Tattooing can Boost Confidence in Patients with Blind Eye
For people who suffer from corneal opacity, it is a part of their personality that deeply affects their day-to-day life. The condition is especially detrimental for younger people, who could not get married or get a job because of their abnormal appearance.However, with advanced technologies giving way to some groundbreaking possibilities, such people now have the option of corneal tattooing. According to experts, corneal tattooing, in case of opacities where treatment indications rule out the option of corneal transplant, can effectively help improve the aesthetic appearance of the patients and give them a chance to live a normal life.
"We can improve the cosmetic appearance of patients with a corneal scar and nil visual prognosis”. Dr. Lal explained that while conventional tattooing procedures used lamellar pocket creation, for patients who cannot undergo it, a special tattoo gun is used."We use an advanced imported tattoo gun which helps us perform corneal tattooing with ease and without any injection or sutures.
The technology we are using ensures safety and delivers optimum results. Corneal opacity is caused due to scarring of the cornea, a transparent structure placed just in front of the eyeball. In the case of scarring, the light fails to pass through the cornea to the retina, giving the cornea a clouded appearance.
Eye injury, infections, and certain eye diseases are the main reasons responsible for corneal opacity which can cause anything from minor irritation to vision loss and even blindness. In fact, corneal problems are the fourth leading cause of blindness after glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration.
- Keratopigmentation (Corneal Tattoo) - Our First Experience- (