Coronavirus outbreak in China: Deaths from the coronavirus are on the rise in China. Healthy experts of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have successfully isolated the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the environmental samples of the Wuhan seafood market.
Over 80 people are dead in China as the deadly coronavirus continues to spread. Now, the health experts have isolated a large quantity of coronavirus at the Wuhan seafood market. Experts of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have successfully isolated the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the environmental samples of a seafood market in Wuhan, indicating that the virus stems from wild animals on sale at the market.
‘Coronavirus outbreak in China: Deaths from the coronavirus are on the rise in China. Healthy experts of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have successfully isolated the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the environmental samples of the Wuhan seafood market.’
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Thirty-three of the 585 environmental samples collected from the Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market were found to contain the nucleic acid of the novel coronavirus, according to the National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention under the China CDC, Xinhua reported. Read More..
Earlier reports quoted experts as saying that the geographical distribution of the cases indicated a close relationship between the epidemic and the seafood market.
Experts of the institute took the samples on January 1 and January 12 on the instructions of the Chinese CDC.
Thirty-one of the 33 positive samples were collected from the western zone of the market, where booths of wildlife trading concentrated.
The result suggests that the novel coronavirus outbreak is highly relevant to the trading of the wild animals, experts said.