Diabetes Tele Management System, a cost effective treatment by Kerala doctors in India could effectively extend diabetic care and treatment for patients with diabetes and diabetic complications.
Diabetes Tele Management System, a cost effective treatment implemented by Kerala doctors in India could effectively extend diabetic care and treatment for patients with diabetes and diabetic complications. Globally, the treatment of diabetes is miserably failing with millions of patients requiring expensive treatment for heart disease, kidney disease, eye disease, neuropathy, sexual dysfunction, mental depression etc.
Treatment costs of diabetes, goes up by five to twenty fold in more than 95 percent of usual patients, after 10 to 20 years of the onset of the disease.
Diabetes Tele Management System, a cost effective treatment option discovered from Kerala could effectively overcome all the present major barriers of attaining long term good diabetes care.
The Diabetes Tele Management System, which comprises of a network of technology combined with a committed multi-disciplinary team of doctors, dieticians, diabetes educators, diabetes nurses ,pharmacists, psychologist etc. has won global recognition in bringing down the long term treatment costs of diabetes.
Diabetes Tele Management System is in use since 1998 at Jothydev's Diabetes and Research Centre (JDC) located at Trivandrum.
The system works via customized goal settings for average glucose,LDL Cholesterol, BP etc., for each individual patient based on multiple patient characteristics such as age, duration of disease, various laboratory parameters, presence of complications etc.
The DTMS team also provides periodic modifications of drug dosages and also advices on diet and exercise through the telephone or through the internet.DTMS avoids hypoglycemia or low sugars since it takes in to consideration multiple factors in frequently reviewing drug dosages, exercise, diet and troubleshooting with the use of oral drugs, monitoring and injection devices.
The major drawback of DTMS is the initial cost involved which is largely offset when considering the huge long term savings.
The original research was conducted under the leadership of Dr.Jothydev Kesavadev; others in the team included Dr. Pradeep Babu, Dr.Arun Shankar, Ms.Gopika Krishnan, Jayasree Lally and Sunitha Jothydev.