The key to exam success in kids lies in a glass of water, says a new study.
Recently, researchers claimed to have found the answer to a much debated question - If there is a key to exam success, what is it? According to the boffins, the answer does not lie in late-night rendezvous with textbooks and last minute cramming. They say, it's actually much simpler - just a glass of water!
According to the latest research carried out in Britain, children who have a drink of water before sitting tests fare up to a third better.Although the reason why is not clear but it could be that information flows more effortlessly between brain cells when they are well hydrated, the researchers said.
To reach the conclusion, researchers from the UK's University of East London looked at the effects of water on the performance of almost 60 boys and girls aged between seven and nine, the research journal Appetite reported.
Fifty percent were given a 250ml glass of water to drink and 20 minutes later both groups were subjected to a battery of tests. One test, designed to assess visual attention and memory, involved spotting the differences between two cartoons.
The water-drinkers scored 34 per cent better, the study found.
They also did 23 per cent better on a more difficult version of the test and 11 per cent better on a third task that required them to cross out specified letters from a sequence. In tests designed to assess short-term memory, there were no differences between the two groups.
She added it is possible that water improves the flow of information between brain cells.