In Tamil Nadu, nineteen more corona patients breathed their last, taking the death toll to 251, said officials.
In Tamil Nadu, as many as 1,458 persons tested positive for coronavirus over the past 24 hours, taking the total tally past the 30K-mark to 30,152, the Health Department said on Saturday. Nineteen more corona patients breathed their last, taking the death toll to 251.
As many as 633 patients were discharged from various hospitals, taking the total cured persons to 16,395.
The number of active cases, including in isolation centres, is 13,503.
Chennai saw the highest 1,146 new infections, taking its total tally to 20,993.
On Saturday, 16,022 more samples were tested, taking the total to 5.76 lakh. Testing of 647 samples is on.
The number of infected children in the age group 0-12 went up to 1,638.