Myocarditis, an inflammatory condition of the heart is found to be relatively less common in COVID-19 infection, and not as frequent as thought. Blood tests and heart radiology studies should therefore be interpreted with caution.
An inflammatory heart condition called myocarditis caused by the COVID-19 virus might not be as common as previously thought. The study was conducted by Richard Vander Heide of theLSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, and Marc Halushka, from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and states that myocarditis may be a relatively rare occurrence. The findings are published online in Cardiovascular Pathology.
‘The post-mortem findings of COVID-19 patients reveal that myocarditis is rare as opposed to the previous findings. The complications in COVID-19 patients could be due to other stressors such as endothelial cell activation, cytokine storms, or electrolyte imbalances.’
The incidence of COVID-19 related myocarditis range from 60% among the recovered middle-aged and elderly to 14% among the recovered athletes."Although it is clear that COVID-19 impacts the heart and blood vessels, to date, it has been difficult to know how reproducible any changes are due to the relatively small sample size of most autopsy series," says Dr. Vander Heide.
The researchers analyzed the heart-related pathological findings from 277 autopsy cases of patients who died due to COVID-19 across nine countries worldwide. A careful review revealed that the rate of myocarditis found in these patients is between 1.4% and 7.2%. The authors thus concluded that myocarditis is not as common as previously thought.
Dr. Vander Heide says, "Even a low myocarditis rate of 1.4% would predict hundreds of thousands of worldwide cases of myocarditis in severe COVID-19 due to the enormous numbers of infected individuals. Low rates of myocarditis do not indicate that individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 are not having cardiovascular problems, but rather those complications are likely due to other stressors such as endothelial cell activation, cytokine storms, or electrolyte imbalances."
The findings will help researchers to reconsider the interpretation of blood tests and heart pathology studies at autopsy. Complications of COVID-19 could be due to other stressors such as endothelial cell activation, cytokine storms, or electrolyte imbalances.
The study highlights the importance of autopsy to help in determining the pathology of the hearts of people who succumb of COVID-19 infection.