
COVID-19 Triggers New Diabetic Wave

by Dr. Jayashree Gopinath on Jul 26 2021 11:32 PM

A new study discovered that half of the patients (46 percent), with no history of diabetes, were found to have new hyperglycemia following COVID-19 infection that remained for at least six months after the infection.

 COVID-19 Triggers New Diabetic Wave
Though diabetes is a known risk factor for severe COVID-19 disease, researchers are now observing an increase in new-onset hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar levels lasting months after hospitalized with COVID-19.
A recent study published in the journal Nature Metabolism by researchers from the Boston Children's Hospital assessed the health of 551 people admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 in Italy from March through May 2020.

About half of the patients (46 percent), with no history of diabetes, were found to have new hyperglycemia. A follow-up study showed that most cases were resolved but 35 percent of the newly hyperglycemic patients remained so at least six months after the infection.

Compared to patients with no signs of glucose abnormalities, hyperglycemic patients had worse clinical concerns such as longer hospitalization, worse clinical symptoms, a higher need of oxygen, a higher need of ventilation, and increased need of intensive care treatment.

They also found abnormal levels of pro-insulin hormone, a precursor of insulin, and markers of impaired islet beta cell function in hyperglycemic patients.

"Basically, the hormonal profile suggests that the endocrine pancreatic function is abnormal in those patients with COVID-19 and it persists long after recoveryā€¯, said lead author of the study, Paolo Fiorina, from the Division of Nephrology at the hospital.

Hyperglycemic patients also had severe abnormalities in the number of inflammatory cytokines, including IL-6 and others.

While these abnormalities declined over time in some patients, other issues like higher post-prandial (after eating) glucose levels and abnormal pancreatic hormones remained in the post COVID-19 period.

This study is the first one to point out the importance of evaluating pancreatic function in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 while in the hospital and over the long term.











