
COVID may Boost Diabetes Risk in Kids

by Colleen Fleiss on Jan 8 2022 10:37 PM

 COVID may Boost Diabetes Risk in Kids
Children who have recovered from COVID-19 are at a higher risk of developing diabetes (both Type 1 and 2), researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.
A heightened risk of diabetes has already been seen among adults who recovered from COVID-19, according to some studies. Researchers in Europe have reported an increase in the number of children diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes since the pandemic started, the New York Times reported.

The study used two claim databases from the US health plans to look at diabetes diagnoses made in youngsters under 18 over a year or more, starting March 1, 2020, comparing those who had COVID to those who didn't.

The researchers found an increase in diabetes in both data sets, though the relative rates differed.

They found a 2.6-fold increase in new diabetes cases among children and a smaller 30 percent increase in another.

