
Cured COVID-19 Cases in Tamil Nadu Exceed New Infections

by Dr. Meenakshy Varier on Sep 14 2020 3:28 PM

Cured COVID-19 Cases in Tamil Nadu Exceed New Infections
The number of people cured of COVID-19 infection in Tamil Nadu was 5,717 on Sunday.
The recovery rate in TN is higher, with only 5,693 positive cases, against the number of people cured and discharged, according to the latest release from the state Health Department.

The total number of recovered cases in TN is 447,366, while the new cases took the total tally to 502,759. The state has 47,012 active cases.

The death toll on Sunday was 79, taking the total death tally of TN to 8,381.

The district of Chennai continued to lead in the number of COVID-19 with 994 fresh cases on Sunday. The total case tally in Chennai is 148,584.

The number of infected children in TN, in the age group 0-12 years, went up to 21,850.

