While it is common knowledge that mothers suffer from post-natal depression, a new study has found that even fathers suffer from the same condition and it may rub off on the babies.
While it is common knowledge that mothers suffer from post-natal depression, a new study has found that even fathers suffer from the same condition and it may rub off on the babies. In some the condition is so severe that they could be passing their problems on to their children.
Post-natal depression affects up to 5 per cent of new fathers and is thought to be triggered by sleepless nights and the responsibilities of parenthood, the Daily Mail reported.
Researchers at Oxford University believe it could also make an impact on the children of these men.
Their study showed that depressed fathers spend less time talking and playing with their babies.
And they believe this lack of interaction in the first few months of a child's life could lead to them developing behavioural problems.
The researchers looked at 38 new fathers, of whom half had post natal depression. Their babies were all three months old when the study was conducted.
They seemed to be self-conscious and made comments such as: 'Daddy hasn't lasted very long has he?' or 'I can't think of anything to do all of a sudden.'
Previous research has suggested that children whose fathers had the condition were more likely to throw tantrums and be troublemakers at school.
"Although dads don't have all the same hormonal changes as mothers do, they do often experience dramatic changes to their life," said Dr Paul Ramchandani, from the Department of Psychiatry at Oxford University.
"This can be a positive thing for many dads, but for some, the combination of sleep deprivation, additional pressures of responsibility of caring for a new baby, and sometimes then being the sole breadwinner, for a while at least, can bring additional stress.
"Any life event can increase the risk of depression. Other studies have shown that children whose dads have had depression are at increased risk of psychological difficulties, including behavioural problems.
"The reasons for this are not entirely clear, but one is likely to be that depression affects the way dads interact with their children, and this is what the present study is about," he added.
The finding has been published in the journal Psychological Medicine.