On Day 2 of the three-day long hearings in the Affordable Care Act case in the US Supreme Court, it was questioned whether the govt can actually force Americans to purchase insurance.

President Obama had mandated the law two years ago, over the bitter objections of opposition Republicans. The case before the nation's highest court represents a major legal and political showdown over the reform.
Under the law, nearly every American will be required to buy a health insurance plan beginning in January 2014, or face a financial penalty.
The penalty clause comes in beacuse there is a need to spread the cost of healthcare among all Americans, especially healthy people who might otherwise not purchase insurance. This will cover more than 30 million uninsured people.
But 26 states and a coalition representing small businesses argue that Congress lacks the authority to force Americans to buy health insurance. Many businesses will also be fined if they do not offer health insurance to their employees.
The Obama administration says Congress does have the authority under its Constitutional powers to regulate interstate commerce and levy taxes.
The Affordable Care Act is the most significant reform to the US health care system in four decades. It bars insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions or placing a cap on the benefits available to those with serious medical conditions.
The court is expected to issue its decision in June.