A new study has confirmed that women are more likely than men to die within thirty days of suffering a heart attack.
A new study has confirmed that women are more likely than men to die within thirty days of suffering a heart attack.
The major cause of death from cardiovascular disease is acute coronary syndromes, the dangerous rupture of plaque inside the heart's coronary artery.Researchers insist that the differences in mortality risk appear to be attributable to factors such as severity and type of acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
There are three types of ACS, or heart attack that include unstable angina (worsening chest pain or chest pain at rest) that may progress to a heart attack; a less severe heart attack with partial or temporary blockages known as Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI); or a more severe heart attack called ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) - caused by complete or a persistently blocked blood supply to the heart.
"Our research concludes that there is a difference in mortality between men and women depending on the type of ACS they suffer," said lead study author, Dr Jeffrey Berger, MS, Director of Cardiovascular Thrombosis, Cardiovascular Clinical Research Center, The Leon H Charney Division of Cardiology at NYU School of Medicine.
"Among STEMI or more severe heart attacks - 30 day mortality was significantly higher among women than men.
"For NSTEMI or less severe heart attacks and unstable angina women had lower 30 day mortality than men," he added.
"This study shines a light on ACS in men and women. Studies like this have the ability to improve healthcare for men and women- helping physicians understand sex-differences in why heart attacks happen, and therefore target treatments more effectively and provide for better outcomes," said Berger.