Recent updates on the suicide rates show a good trend of decline in the number of suicides. Yet, more needs to be done, for the government to realize its goal of scaling down the suicide
Recent updates on the suicide rates show a good trend of decline in the number of suicides. Yet, more needs to be done, for the government to realize its goal of scaling down the suicide rates by 20 % within the year 2010.
Department Of Health has enabled some Statistics which portray that in 1995 the rate of suicide was 9.2 per 100,000 and in 2004 it had dropped to 8.56 deaths per 100,000. It was observed that men in the age group of 30- 39 committed the most suicides, while rates of suicide among women were four times lesser when compared to men.Professor Louis Appleby, national director for mental health, has said that the difference in the suicide rates can be attributed to better mental health care and adequate follow up with the patients post discharge. In his words, "Whilst these figures are positive, we must work hard to ensure that this downward trend continues. Changes in the suicide rate reflect the mental health of the community and every action we take to improve mental health services will help reduce these figures further."
There was also a clear reduction in the number of psychiatric inpatients, who commit suicide. Sophie Corlett, director of policy at the mental health charity Mind said: "This is an example of where solid investment can make a real difference, but this battle is far from won. It also comes at a time when almost one in six mental health authorities are facing cuts. The Government must keep suicide prevention at the top of the health agenda, work harder to prevent self-inflicted deaths in prison, and prioritize mental health promotion throughout the country."