Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal began the '10 Hafte 10 Baje 10 Minute campaign' - a mass awareness campaign against the vector-borne disease dengue.
Mass awareness campaign called '10 Hafte 10 Baje 10 Minute campaign' against the vector-borne disease dengue was initiated by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) national convenor started the initiative by examining his house for any signs of stagnant clean water and draining it, leading to mosquitoes and other vector-borne breeding diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. The 10-week campaign will continue every Sunday.
‘Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal launched the second edition of the '10 Hafte-10 Baje-10 Minute' campaign against dengue and other vector-borne diseases and urged all citizens to participate.
Nearly two crore people of Delhi will join hands and work together to battle against dengue-like last time. Kejriwal requested people to drain the stagnant water and replace it, saying, "I hope and believe that the people of Delhi will again engage and save Delhi from dengue just like they did the last time".
The Delhi government had started the campaign in September 2019 as nearly 15,867 dengue cases, and 60 deaths were reported in Delhi in 2015.
Kejriwal also appealed to every citizen to begin the mega-campaign from their own homes and spend at least 10 minutes every Sunday to make sure there is no stagnant water in their homes and surroundings.
The campaign also encouraged the residents to pick up the phone and call 10 of their friends or relatives and advise them on the good practices of preventing dengue.