New Delhi Health Minister A K Walia revealed that the government will be building 12 new hospitals in the capital city with total bed strength of 2,900.
New Delhi Health Minister A K Walia revealed that the government will be building 12 new hospitals in the capital city with total bed strength of 2,900. "The process to start the construction of hospitals in Dwarka (750 beds), Vikaspuri (200 beds), Madipur (200 beds), Jawlapuri (200 beds), Ambedkar Nagar (200 beds) and Sarita Vihar (100 beds) has been initiated. The formalities are underway for the remaining six hospitals," Walia said.
He speaking while laying the foundation stone for a health centre in Shakarpur in east Delhi. Area MP Sandeep Dikshit was also present.
Walia said the health centre would be constructed in a year at a cost of Rs.eight crore.
"It will provide OPD consultation, free medicines, basic investigations, immunisation and referral services to government and 42 major private hospitals providing free treatment to the poor," he said in a release.
The minister said five more health centres were being constructed in Vasant Gaon, Shiv Vihar, Pandav Nagar and Bindapur.
Dikshit said Delhi had just 12 government hospitals 15 years ago and now the city had 37.