The plan looks at greater pollution monitoring, more efficient pollution checks for vehicles and shutting down of polluting industries.

The environment department has submitted its action plan with two components - long-term and short-term strategies.
The plan looks at greater pollution monitoring, more efficient pollution checks for vehicles and shutting down of polluting industries. The focus is on getting more buses, enforcing a complete ban on burning of leaves, agriculture waste and polluting vehicles and checking dust pollution from construction sites.
Part of the Rs 526-crore budget set aside for the government's publicity that resulted in criticism from various quarters will be used on measures such as media advertisements and hoardings to persuade people into taking up green practices.
Kejriwal has told all officials supervising the planning and execution of infrastructure projects that they would get a hurdle-free atmosphere, provided green concerns are adequately addressed.
More and more people in the Capital can be seen wearing white surgical masks and installing air purifiers with Delhi's air having turned the dirtiest in all global cities, according to a WHO study, resulting in the rise of asthma and cases of other related ailments.
The current PM 10 levels is seven times higher than what is safe (60 microgram per cubic meter). "Some of the measures we need to take over the next months to counter the notorious winter pollution. We also have a one-year plan ready. We will be working closely with other NCR towns for better results. We're in touch with the Union ministry of environment and forests for effective inter-state compliance," said a Delhi government official.
"The growth in vehicular population cannot be curbed without scaling up public transport. We need to dis-incentivise diesel (the most polluting fuel)."