
Dengue Crisis in Bangladesh: Death Toll Crosses 300

by Colleen Fleiss on Aug 6 2023 7:14 PM
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Dengue Crisis in Bangladesh: Death Toll Crosses 300
In the last 24 hours, Bangladesh recorded an additional 10 deaths and 2,495 new dengue cases, bringing the death toll to 303 and the total number of infections to 63,968, revealed sources(1 Trusted Source
Bangladesh faces record dengue outbreak

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The South Asian country experienced its highest spike in dengue cases last month, with 43,854 new infections and 204 deaths, Xinhua news agency reported quoting the DGHS.

What is Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease caused by the dengue virus, commonly found in tropical regions worldwide. It is a distressing and disabling illness, with the pain likened to the sensation of bones breaking, earning it the nickname "Breakbone fever."

Key symptoms of dengue fever encompass an abrupt onset of high fever (reaching up to 40°C or 104°F), chills, intense headache (often felt behind the eyes), muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, flushed skin, and occasionally a skin rash resembling measles.

  1. Bangladesh faces record dengue outbreak - (
