Depression or a history of suicide attempts among young people who are less than 40 increases their risk for dying from heart disease.

"This is the first study looking at depression as a risk factor for heart disease specifically in young people," Viola Vaccarino, senior author of the study, said.
"We're finding that depression is a remarkable risk factor for heart disease in young people. Among women, depression appears to be more important than traditional risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, obesity and diabetes which are not common in young women," she said.
They found that women with depression or a history of attempted suicide had a three times higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a 14 times higher risk of dying from heart attack.
The corresponding figures for men were 2.4 times higher risk for cardiovascular disease and 3.5 times higher risk for ischemic heart disease.
The researchers considered the possibility that depressed people may have more lifestyle-related risk factors such as smoking and poor diet and they also found a significant link to heart disease risk coming from depression and suicide attempts.
Depression may increase the risk of heart disease through physiological mechanisms, such as lower heart rate variability and increased cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and inflammation.
"Studying these individuals more intensively could be important for understanding how depression affects the heart," she added.
The study has been recently published in Archives of General Psychiatry.