
Diabetes Linked to High Stress Levels

The onset of diabetes today is linked to high stress levels. The increased incidence of diabetes is mainly due to improper diet, hypertension and lack of physical exercise.

The onset of diabetes today is linked to high stress levels. The increased incidence of diabetes is mainly due to improper diet, hypertension and lack of physical exercise. The number of diabetics in India has been estimated to be over two crores and about 7.2 lakh lives are claimed by this disease every year. Therefore there is a significant need to realize consequences of this deadly disease.

Because of the chronic nature of diabetes it cannot be eliminated but only controlled. Homeopathy treatments offered by clinics such as Dr. Batra's Positive Health Clinic with its holistic treatment plan that includes expert counselling and guidance along with medication is a safe and non-invasive approach to controlling diabetes in individuals of all ages. The long held myth of the sweet pills of homeopathy aggravating diabetes is ungrounded because of the extremely small size of the homeopathic pills and therefore the amount of lactose is so miniscule that it does not affect sugar intake.

Many health experts now advocate a long-term treatment of Diabetes through a combination of Homeopathy and Allopathy. Homeopathy’s non-invasive, safe and holistic approach of medicine act on the beta cells control sugar in the body. Recent clinical trials in Greece revealed that patients treated with homeopathy along with oral diabetes medicines showed 97% improvement whereas those on only oral medication showed only 47% improvement.

Several diabetes prone individuals today avoid screening for the disease mainly because of a fear of treatment including dietary restrictions on sweets, daily injections, vulnerability to infections as well as the involved expenses. However, ignoring diabetes can prove to be fatal.

Homeopathy offers a better option of treatment through a safe, sure, uncomplicated, and cost-effective menthod of treatment. Dr Batra's has reported treating over 2500 diabetes patients with great success. Their non-invasive, holistic approach takes care of not only the disease but also all its attendant complications.

Overall homeopathy can be stated as an ideal choice of treatment for diabetes. This is because diabetes is basically an immunosuppressive disease making the body susceptible to a host of infections like repeated fungal infections, gangrene, delayed wound healing etc. Homeopathic medication acts as an immuno-booster controlling early complications of diabetes such as nerve and eye problems and chronic skin problems, as well as prevents gangrene and infections arising from the disease.

Dr Batra's clinic has played an important role in spreading awareness about diabetes, the importance of detection and the benefits of homeopathy in treatment and control. According to Dr Kamini Lakhiani, Head Diabetologist at Dr. Batra's® , "Diabetes in India is an epidemic disease and early detection of the disease at a young age and awareness about controlled diet and physical exercise is important to manage this epidemic."

Dr. Mukesh Batra, Chairman and Managing Director Dr. Batra's Positive Health Clinics added, "Homeopathy finds long-term solutions (for Diabetes) by naturally improving the body's ability to absorb insulin. Its holistic approach allows the doctors at Dr. Batra's ® to thoroughly understand each patient and prescribe specific medication that will target the ailment's root cause."

He said, "World Diabetes Day on November 14, 2006 offers a great opportunity to join together and fight diabetes unitedly."













