The International Diabetes Federation has released a report on June 10 stating that the number of diabetics has risen alarmingly over the past 20 years from 30 million to 230 million.
According to a report by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) the last 20 years has seen the total number of people with diabetes worldwide having risen from 30 million to 230 million . They also state that China and India now have the most diabetes sufferers in the world.
The reports stated that of the surveyed countries, China and India amount for the most diabetics, even more than the United States. Other countries that had high percentages of diabetics are predominantly from the third world, with many Middle Eastern and Caribbean countries having high rates.The IDF released its data at the American Diabetes Association's 66th Scientific Sessions. It was stated that the reason for diabetes becoming such a threat in Third World countries is because the developing countries do not have the adequate health care service or finances necessary to treat the disease. Even Insulin that is freely available to diabetics in the Western world is sparse in developing nations.
The report showed that in China, 2.7% of the population suffers from diabetes, resulting in nearly 39 million people, while India has a 6% higher percentage than China but a less overall numbers 30 million. The report stated that China had passed India in the last two years as the leading country with the most diabetics. While the United States, Japan, and Russia, follow these two countries.
The report also explained that most of the increases in diabetic cases are those with type II diabetes, which accounts for nearly 90% of all diabetes cases. Type I diabetes usually only occurs in young children and infants. Dr. Martin Silink the President-elect of the IDF said that diabetes is one of the biggest health catastrophes the world has ever seen. He further explained that the epidemic of diabetes would shortly overwhelm the health care resources world over, if the government do not wake up and take action immediately.
Stating that diabetes is the fourth largest killer in the world, the IDF feels that there is a three-part reason for this mainly diet, lifestyle, and genetics. They explain that with the increased population in the world and better availability of non-nutritious foods, people have developed poor eating habits. They also state that with the increase in industrialization people are performing jobs easily with out much efforts of physical activity. They also say that people now days partake in very few exercise, which contributes to high rates of obesity and diabetes.
With the new trend of increase in cases of diabetics, the IDF is asking the United Nations to give more attention to the global problem and create a resolution for funding and research. A new resolution campaign is called a United for Diabetes, has been launched on the 10th of June, which according to the IDF is a campaign for uniting the global diabetes community and to help change the face of diabetes.