Depression caused by ulcers is one side effect people with diabetes face. Diabetic ulcers occur on the feet and are caused by high blood sugar
Depression caused by ulcers is one side effect people with diabetes face. Diabetic ulcers occur on the feet and are caused by high blood sugar levels, which cause poor blood circulation. When severe, it can lead to lower-extremity amputation. According to latest findings researchers say people with diabetic foot ulcers suffer from a higher level of depression and a lower quality of life.
For the study, 60 diabetic patients were given the SF-36 test, which measures ability to learn and follow directions, happiness and depression. Results indicate that those with diabetic foot ulcers usually experience the same depression levels as people who have undergone lower-extremity amputation. Researchers believe this may be attributed to the fact that diabetic foot ulcers lead to amputation in 85 percent of cases.Thus researchers say, the important thing is that health care providers are aware of this new information and are working to come up with methods of treatment that will not impact patient lives .