Researchers have found that diet and lifestyle alone will suffice to prevent about two-thirds of all skin cancers
Researchers have found that diet and lifestyle alone will suffice to prevent about two-thirds of all skin cancers.
Both environment and genetic disposition play a role in skin cancer. While anyone can develop skin cancer, the risk is greatest for people with light-colored skin that freckle easily, researchers said.About 10 percent of all patients with melanoma have family members who also have had the disease, but everyone should be on the lookout for new spots, a mole that changes size shape or color, a sore that doesn't heal or a spot that is itchy, tender or painful reports
Researchers at M.D. Anderson recently found resveratrol -- found in cranberries, grapes and peanuts -- is linked to anti-cancer activity including skin cancer. In laboratory studies, curcumin -- found in turmeric and curry powder -- blocked a key biological pathway needed for development of melanoma and other cancers, researchers said.