After a head trauma, patients require a higher-than-normal amount of protein and calorie intake to reduce the swelling and inflammation of brain, says study.

The IOM reports that in one estimate 10 to 20 percent of returning veterans have sustained a TBI, with other estimates suggesting that TBIs account for one-third of all combat-related injuries.
But soldiers wounded by roadside bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan aren't the only patients who can benefit from these new guidelines. Victims of brain injuries received in motorcycle and car accidents, football and hockey players who have severe concussions, and even stroke victims need early protein and energy, he said.
"Inflammation, of course, is a particular problem in the brain because there's no room for the swelling; and the secondary effects of inflammation, which include cell death, pressure and hemorrhaging, are unacceptable," he said.
Erdman said the brain uses only glucose for energy and cannot readily draw on fat stores. "This glucose is used up pretty quickly so it's important that it be replaced. Protein is important for its immunological benefits and the role it plays in preventing inflammation," he said.
He noted that wartime victims of TBI often have other injuries that grab a medical professional's attention.
The committee was also asked to provide a list of other possible nutritional interventions for enhancing recovery from TBI, and they identified a list of food components that should be researched further. These include the B vitamin choline, the amino acid-like compound creatine, n-3 fatty acids commonly known as EPA and DHA, and zinc as the most promising areas of investigation, he said.
Defense officials are tremendously interested in increasing the survival rate and speed of recovery of TBI victims and in facilitating their recovery with nutritional interventions, he said.