
Dietary Counseling Introduced at an Early Age Leads to Better Heart Health in Adults

by Iswarya on Apr 24 2020 3:23 PM

Regular dietary counseling starting in infancy has a positive impact on the quality of fat in the diet, as on cardiovascular health, reports a new study.

Dietary Counseling Introduced at an Early Age Leads to Better Heart Health in Adults
People who received dietary counseling as kids have better heart health during their adulthood, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal Lancet Child and Adolescent Health.//
The Special Turku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention Project (STRIP) of the University of Turku, Finland, examines the benefits of promoting cardiovascular health by dietary counseling from infancy to early adulthood. Altogether 1,116 children and their families from Turku participated in the study starting when the children were seven months of age.

Half of the children were randomly assigned to a group that received dietary counseling promoting a heart-healthy diet according to the nutritional recommendations. The other half were assigned to the control group who received only the basic health education given at Finnish maternity and child health clinics and school health care. The regular counseling that started in infancy ended when the participants turned 20.

"The research shows that regular dietary counseling starting in infancy has a positive impact on the quality of fat in the diet, as well as on the serum cholesterol level, insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure. In addition, the clustering of adverse cardiovascular health markers is less common is the group that participated in the dietary counseling than in the control group", says Assistant Professor and vice-principal investigator Katja Pahkala from the University of Turku.

After the dietary counseling aiming at better cardiovascular health ended, the participants were invited to a follow-up study at the age of 26. In 2015-2018, 551 people participated in the follow-up.

"The aim of the study was to investigate whether the persons who participated in the dietary counseling continued to have a more heart-healthy diet and a lower serum cholesterol level than the control group," says Pahkala.

Better cardiovascular health due tocounselingg

The first results of the follow-up study have now been published, demonstrating that the diets of the people in the intervention group continue to be more heart-healthy. In addition, sustained beneficial effects are seen in the serum total and LDL serum cholesterol levels, which are still lower in the intervention than in the control group.

Furthermore, the insulin sensitivity of the persons who participated in the counseling was also better than in the control group.

"As a whole, the results support the idea that counseling on a heart-healthy diet starting in childhood has a positive impact on cardiovascular health, which is sustained after discontinuation of the active counseling", sums Pahkala.












