
Dietary cure for fighting Helicobacter pylori

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is remarkable for its ability to live in the strong acid conditions of the stomach. A compound found in broccoli is powerful against the bacterium that is likely dependable for many cases of stomach cancer. It's now well established that this microbe is responsible for ulcers and even stomach cancer. Clearing it with antibiotics is an important form of treatment in gastrointestinal problems.

Now researchers at Hopkins Medical School found that sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts, can kill the bacterium - at least in a test tube. Initially their studies were focused on the cancer-fighting properties of this compound - but now it appears is can kill even resistant strains of H. pylori .The next stage is to see if broccoli itself can have such a powerful effect, rather than just the extracted compound, and to progress to studies in animals and human subjects.
