
Dieting Makes People Miserable

by Medindia Content Team on Dec 13 2005 6:36 PM

Most people yearn for a slim and sleek body thinking that it will fetch happiness. A study has revealed that the lives of slim people are filled with mental suffering and woes, and they are far from being contented people, according to psychologists at the Bristol University. The chances of slim people committing suicide appear to be greater than large people resorting to such extreme measures.

The research was also extended to studying the European population, which confirmed that slim people were less happy when compared to fat people. The chances of serious depression lessened with the increase in the body mass index (BMI) of a person, according to the study. An increase of each 5 kilograms per square meter reduces the possibility of suicide by 15%.

Sources from the anti-diet pressure group Hugs International have revealed that slimming and dieting tends to make people miserable. There are also possibilities that there is a higher level of serotonin in people who eat more, which also reduces depression levels in a person. The study is likely to deal a body blow to the dieting industry of the world.
