The quantity of food you consume at a restaurant may depend on how heavy your waiter is, a new study published in the journal Environment and Behaviour.

‘A new study, observed 497 diners ordering dinner in casual American restaurants, says that dinners eat a lot when they are served by heavy weighters.’

Lead author Tim Doering, researcher at the Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, “No one goes to a restaurant to start a diet. As a result, we are tremendously susceptible to cues that give us a license to order and eat what we want." v
"A heavy waiter or waitress seems to have an even bigger influence on the skinniest diners," said Doering. Along with the size of your waiter, the lighting, music has been shown to unknowingly influence what you order.

Along with the size of your waiter, the music, lighting, and even where you sit has been demonstrated to unknowingly influence what you order.
The study was published in the journal Environment and Behaviour.