According to a survey conducted by National Aids Trust, it was surprising to find that young people in the UK are oblivious of the risks of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
According to a survey conducted by National Aids Trust, it was surprising to find that young people in the UK are oblivious of the risks of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. People between the age group of 15-24 years avoid using condoms if they or a partner go on the Pill. As a result of observing the National Condom Week (NAT) health officials have asked for including sex education in the curriculum of the British students.
It surveyed 2,048 people aged 15 and over and found the lack of awareness of how HIV is transmitted among the public. Another interesting factor is that 53% of all women surveyed said they would use a condom with only a new sexual partner, compared to 39% of men. They also were not aware of the protection, condoms offer against STIs and HIV transmission. Hence the NAT chief executive Deborah Jack said that the government must ensure various steps to provide awareness about condoms and sexual health in schools.