
Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Linked to Nervous Disorders

by Colleen Fleiss on Feb 12 2023 10:30 PM
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In kids with hydrocephalus and other developmental brain disorders, disordered cerebrospinal fluid dynamics is accountable for the changes in brain development.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Linked to Nervous Disorders
In rodents, the cerebrospinal fluid that envelops the brain flows to areas necessary for normal brain development and function. In young rats with hydrocephalus (accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain) the circulation appears abnormal.
The brain floats in a sea of fluid that cushions it against injury, supplies it with nutrients and carries away waste. Disruptions to the normal ebb and flow of the fluid have been linked to neurological conditions including Alzheimer’s disease and hydrocephalus, a disorder involving excess fluid around the brain.

“There’s a whole host of neurologic disorders in young children, including hydrocephalus, that are associated with developmental delays. For many of these conditions we do not know the underlying cause for the developmental delays. It is possible that in some of these cases there may be altered function of the brain regions through which cerebrospinal fluid is circulating,” said senior author Jennifer Strahle, MD, an associate professor of neurosurgery, of pediatrics, and of orthopedic surgery. As a pediatric neurosurgeon.

Much research has been conducted mapping the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid in the brains of adults. However, it is not well known how cerebrospinal fluid interacts with the brain itself. Cerebrospinal fluid pathways in the brain likely vary with age, as young children have not yet developed the mature drainage pathways of adults.

Brain Fluid and Neurological Disorders

Strahle; first author Shelei Pan, an undergraduate student; and colleagues developed an X-ray imaging technique using gold nanoparticles that allowed them to visualize brain circulation patterns in microscopic detail. Using this method on young mice and rats, they showed that cerebrospinal fluid enters the brain through small channels primarily at the base of the brain, a route that has not been seen in adults. In addition, they found that cerebrospinal fluid flows to specific functional areas of the brain.

“These functional areas contain specific collections of cells, many of which are neurons, and they are associated with major anatomic structures in the brain that are still developing,” Strahle said. “Our next steps are to understand why cerebrospinal fluid is flowing to these neurons specifically and what molecules are being carried in the cerebrospinal fluid to those areas. There are growth factors within the cerebrospinal fluid that may be interacting with these specific neuronal populations to mediate development, and the interruption of those interactions could result in different disease pathways.”

Further experiments showed that hydrocephalus reduces cerebrospinal fluid flow to distinct neuron clusters. Strahle and colleagues studied a form of hydrocephalus that affects some premature infants. Babies born prematurely are vulnerable to brain bleeding around the time of birth, which can lead to hydrocephalus and developmental delays. Strahle and colleagues induced a process in young rats that mimicked the process in premature babies. After three days, the tiny channels that carry cerebrospinal fluid from the outer surface of the brain into the middle were fewer and shorter, and circulation to 15 of the 24 neuron clusters was significantly reduced.

“The idea that cerebrospinal fluid can regulate neuronal function and brain development isn’t well explored,” Strahle said. “In the setting of hydrocephalus, it’s common to see cognitive dysfunction that persists even after we successfully drain the excess fluid. The disordered cerebrospinal fluid dynamics to these functional regions of the brain may ultimately affect brain development, and normalizing flow to these areas is a potential approach to reducing developmental problems. It is an exciting field, and we are only at the beginning of understanding the diverse functions of cerebrospinal fluid.”












