New study highlights that decongestants or medicines containing antihistamine should not be administered to children under six years for treating common cold symptoms.

‘Decongestants or medicines containing antihistamine should not be administered to children under six years for treating common cold symptoms.’
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Instead, they advise doctors to reassure patients that a cold is distressing, but symptoms should pass in a few days.Read More..

The common cold is usually caused by viruses and is mostly self-limiting (symptoms clear in 7 to 10 days), but it can have a substantial impact on work, school, use of health services, and money spent on medications. Children have around 6-8 colds per year and adults have 2-4.
So Professor Mieke van Driel and colleagues analyzed published evidence on the effectiveness of treatments for the common cold.
For adults, the evidence suggests that using decongestants alone, or with antihistamines or analgesics, for a maximum of 3 to 7 days can have a small effect on nasal symptoms.
However, side effects can include an increased risk of insomnia, drowsiness, headache, or stomach upset - and long-term use of decongestants can lead to chronic nasal congestion, which is difficult to treat.
Trials are also lacking for children, especially those under 12 who carry the highest burden of common colds.
None of the other commonly used over-the-counter and home treatments, such as heated humidified air, analgesics, eucalyptus oil, or echinacea, are supported by adequate evidence, they add.
"If parents are concerned about their child's comfort, saline nasal irrigations or drops can be used safely, but this may not give the desired relief," they write.
Finally, they say ongoing research is unlikely to provide relevant evidence or address the uncertainty surrounding treatments for the common cold.
"Based on the currently available evidence, reassurance that symptoms are self-limiting is the best you can offer patients, although the short-term use of decongestants in adults can provide some relief from a blocked nose," they conclude.