If you really wish to know what people think about your looks, Facestat.com is the Web site to visit.
If you really wish to know what people think about your looks, Facestat.com is the Web site to visit.
All a person needs to do for the purpose is to upload a photo on Facestat, and then the site will ask a series of questions based on age, gender, ethnicity, intelligence, political affiliation, attractiveness, trustworthiness, wealth, weight, intoxication, and relationship status.The results it offers are based on general assessment of what the average person thinks of a user's look, and they may sometimes be brutal.
An intriguing aspect of the online survey is that it asks respondents to judge behaviour based on looks, reports the New York Daily News.
With a view to testing the site, the newspaper uploaded the photographs of City Council President Christine Quinn and former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who are known to New Yorkers but not necessarily to others around the country.
The aim was to find out whether people thought Quinn looked smart and Spitzer looked trustworthy.
It was found that most respondent considered Quinn to be a trustworthy person, who was married, Hispanic, liberal, and unfortunately looked a bit older than her actual age, 42.
According to the officials, Facestat reinforces the belief that people are basically superficial when it comes to judgments based solely on appearance.