According to new research doctors would do well to peek into the sexual lives of their patients.
According to new research doctors would do well to peek into the sexual lives of their patients.
Sexual problems could be precursors of other ailments says lead researcher Dr. Rosemary Basson of the British Columbia Center for Sexual Medicine in Vancouver.The scientist and her team published findings based on the examination of medical databases in The Lancet.
The researchers searched for links between sexual problems and diseases such as Parkinson’s , heart ailments, multiple sclerosis , diabetes , depression among others.
Sure enough a link was established.
Researchers noted that men with erectile dysfunction (ED), the most common sexual disorder in older men, were at increased risk of heart disease. In one study of 132 men who had heart surgery, nearly half had a history of erectile dysfunction.
In comparison, sexual disorders in women, such as lack of sexual desire, were related to depression, hormone conditions, kidney failure, diabetes or other chronic diseases.