Doctors warn that thunderstorms resulting from Britain's heatwave could trigger an asthma epidemic.
Doctors warn that thunderstorms resulting from Britain's heatwave could trigger an asthma epidemic.
Researchers have verified the long time complaints of asthma sufferers who have claimed that their condition worsened during thunderstorms.Research has revealed that storms sweep up and collect atmospheric particles that are then released through the rain and concentrated in the air close to the ground.
As asthmatics with an allergy to grass pollen breathe in the concentrated pollens there is the onset of an asthmatic attack.
During one epidemic hourly trapped pollen counts in a thunderstorm were found to be between four to 12 times higher than normal.
Doctors and other research experts have therefore warned asthmatics take special precautions during thunderstorms, and probably increase inhaler use.
The case of June 2005 end when a sixfold rise in emergency admissions for asthma was reported over one weekend was the result of thunderstorms.
‘Thunderstorms occurring at a time when the pollen levels have been high have been associated with previous epidemics of asthma attacks.’
An Asthma UK spokeswoman added, ‘They should keep a close eye on their condition either by taking regular peak flow readings or recording their symptoms.’
‘If they are at all worried about their asthma they should contact their doctor for further advice.’