
Does disparity exists between women and men victims of stroke?

In a study conducted by researchers of University of Michigan had pointed out that despite of great strides in medical care, there exists a disparity when it comes to providing healthcare to women patients of stroke.

There are four kinds of tests done for patients with stroke due to ischemia. These are echocardiography of the heart, brain MRI, ultrasound of the carotid artery, and EKG. The reports of the study says that while there are no difference between men and women in terms of them undergoing brain MRI and EKG. However, only 60% of the female patients get a carotid ultrasound as compared to 71 percent of men. As for echocardiography, only 48% of women underwent it as compared to 57% of the men who went through the test.

Studies have suggested that women have a lower risk for having a stroke as compared to men, but they often have worse outcomes than men. The risk of death or severe disability is higher for women stroke victims than men.

Thus for all these reasons, scientists feel that further research is required to prove the results conclusively, and if the situation persists then it is important to use interventions like continuous education etc to clear the disparate scenario.
