Increased follow-up does not benefit colorectal cancer patients according to a new study at the Aarhus University. The survival rate after five years is the same for patients scanned twice or five times in the first three years after surgery.
Regular screening after surgery may not improve survival for colorectal cancer patients, a recent Aarhus University study claims. The survival rate after five years is the same colorectal cancer patients who are CT-scanned twice or five times in the first three years after surgery.
‘The five-year-survival rate for colorectal cancer patients may be the same whether they are scanned twice or five times in the first three years after surgery.’
This is an important conclusion from a study where 2,509 patients with colorectal cancer were offered two and five follow-up tests in the form of CT scans combined with a blood test spread over the first three years after the operation. In some cases, the extra scans meant that a cancer relapse was discovered earlier, but this did not increase the chances of the patients surviving the first five years. And this is despite the fact that all of the test subjects were referred for further examination at specialist departments following the slightest suspicion that the cancer had returned.
The futile extra scans should be compared to the fact that many countries have actually increased the amount of follow-up testing in the belief that more testing improves survival.
"The three extra scans don't achieve anything. Twenty percent of the patients experience relapses, and approximately eleven percent die within the first five years due to the recurrence of their cancer. This is the case irrespective of whether they have been scanned two or five times. There is no significant difference. The money is therefore spent in vain, while the extra scans expose patients to unnecessary radiation," says Clinical Professor, DMSc Søren Laurberg.
Another important partial result is that the number of relapses - the above-mentioned twenty per cent - is modest in relation to what the researchers expected.
The project was launched in January 2006 on the initiative of Peer Wille-Jørgensen, who is a consultant at Bispebjerg Hospital. His wish was to verify a number of smaller and therefore uncertain studies which indicated that it was possible to improve survival rates after surgery for colorectal cancer through more frequent follow-ups.
In the trial, half of the patients were offered two follow-ups after drawing lots, while the control group comprising the other half were also offered the three extra CT scans. An important element was the preparation of fixed guidelines for which examinations should be carried out if it was suspected that the cancer had returned in one of the test subjects.
The clinical randomized study ran from 2006 until December 2010 with a concluding five-year follow-up at the end of 2015. Since then, two-and-a-half years have been spent on analyzing results from across the participating countries.
"From the beginning, we wanted to get more countries involved in the study, and we were in discussions with Norway and Ireland, amongst others. But they pulled out because they had already introduced extra scans, and it's practically impossible to find test subjects who're willing to say yes to fewer follow-ups," explains Søren Laurberg, who describes the research result as an important 'non-result' in relation to the clinical guidelines in the many countries which recommend more frequent follow-ups.
He expects that the study will lead to the recommended frequency of follow-ups being reduced - probably to the Danish level, where the follow-up for patients after colorectal cancer operations has remained at one and three years.
"As I see it, the study has in this way prevented the introduction of more frequent follow-ups after surgery for colorectal cancer on a less than stringent basis," says Søren Laurberg, who points out that there is a tendency towards ever more follow-ups and diagnostic imaging - also for other forms of cancer.
"But they must make a difference. In Denmark a CT scan costs DKK 2,500 (US dollar 395), so with regard to the question of two or five scans, savings of DKK 7,500 (US dollar 1185) per patient can be made, without even thinking of the working hours at the hospitals and lost working hours for the people who take time off work and spend it on an unnecessary scanning," says Søren Laurberg.
The results are published in the scientific journal JAMA.