Kids who have been exposed to domestic violence are more likely than their peers to experience a wide range of difficulties including fear and low self esteem.
Kids who have been exposed to domestic violence are more likely than their peers to experience a wide range of difficulties including fear, low self esteem, anger, oppositional behavior, feeling isolated in social relationships, stated new study. A team of researchers at Case Western Reserve University surveyed 105 agencies throughout Ohio to better understand service, policy and research needs--and get feedback about potential strategies to protect children from intimate partner violence.
‘Some of the most affected by domestic violence are also the youngest. Each year, more than 6% of all children in the United States are exposed to domestic violence and require intervention services from various agencies.’
The study's key findings yielded recommendations to include emotional and coping skills as vital parts of childhood education--not unlike how math and reading are incorporated into school curricula, according to the study's co-author Kristen Berg, a postdoctoral researcher at the university's School of Medicine and graduate of the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences. "Kids should be provided appropriate education from very early ages about healthy relationships, with both the self and others, and all of their ingredients," she said. "Things like understanding how to identify their own emotions, how to cope with those emotions, learning how to attune to others' emotions, safe dating behaviors, consent-based communication--from school curricula that explicitly emphasize social and emotional intelligence."
Berg said there's also evidence that those exposed to domestic violence tend to have higher rates of depression and anxiety, over-activated stress responses, and both victimization by and perpetration of dating violence during adolescence.
Families affected by domestic violence also often experience housing instability or substance misuse, and children's education and peer relationships may be disrupted due to moves in and out of the family home.
None of this comes as a surprise to researchers or the social service professionals they surveyed.
In addition, the research showed that service providers highlighted needs for increased trauma-informed care and better collaboration among service providers.